Organizing 101
I feel like the word organizing is a dirty word. It holds me back,yet excites me at the same time. I could weirdly talk about this subject for hours, so instead of just going on and on I’m going to do different categories over time, but of course with some background on me, and why different ideas can work for you too.
I am not a professional organizer- in fact far from it. Why do I think I am qualified to give anyone advice? Honestly because I have lived it too. I do not have a naturally organized mind. At times it ventures more on the chaotic side. I love the look of neat and tidy, but feel like I have a hard time obtaining it.
I seriously have researched every site on organizing, bought every magazine that stares at me screaming 101 tips for organizing at check-out lanes, bought containers (and containers and containers) and still not obtained what I am looking for. Well, through all of my trial and error I have realized that EVERYONES MIND WORKS DIFFERENTLY!!! Yes, I had to say that boldly since that is one of the most important aspects to organizing.
Okay…here goes with my best advice!!! Start in one room and be proud of your accomplishments!
Get rid of things!!! Why is this number 1? Well, why would you want to organize things you don’t use or want? Seriously everyone has gifts that they have received or items in their house from previous times. Just because you loved something in the past doesn’t mean you still need/love/use it. Why are you just holding on to it? Often times there is a guilt associated with getting rid of items that you or others have spent hard earned money on. But, there is also an emotional weight as you hold on to it. Also, this will be a point in a bit, why spend money to organize storing items that you no longer want?
Group like items together. I know you hear this all the time, but it’s true. If scissors are with scissors, you always know where to find them.
After like items are with like items actually put them together in some sort of vessel to KEEP THEM TOGETHER! Okay, this is a step that you need to think about how you personally work- do you like to see your items, or forget you own them if you can’t actually see them? Here’s my personal example-In my laundry room I have cabinet doors. In the cabinets I have cleaning items grouped together with what they do. And, instead of just putting them on the shelves I have each group in a clear plastic container. I mention clear because I have learned that if items are grouped in containers I can’t see through, I will never touch them. Trust me, I love the look of pretty baskets that all match, but unfortunately that style does not work for me. It took me so long to come to those terms. I have floor cleaners contained together, laundry items together, brushes and sponges together, etc. My kids are really into golf and so I even have a clear container labeled golf for all the tees and golf balls (yes, I’m embarrassed to add that, but just being honest) that I find in my washing machine and dryer.
Lastly when you have your containers organized use logic in placement. Think about how you use the room you are organizing. Use logic for where you put items. I have my laundry items next to my laundry soap. I have two sets of cabinets in my laundry room. I have all my cleaning products in one set of cabinets, and the other set has the extra stuff, such as a container of masks just in case they are needed, a container full of handwipes, a container of flashlights, etc. This cabinet is next to my back door. I put items that might be needed as my family is coming in or out the door.
The Container Store is a great resource for containers available, inspirational photos, and just all-around motivation. Take a moment and check them out!
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Finally a quick fun hack I use in my laundry room for organizing. My boys always used those generic cheap pencil boxes in elementary school. You probably know exactly the ones…well I have the best way to repurpose them…they store our batteries. Yes, batteries fit in the pencil boxes perfectly, these boxes are a great size for drawers, and you can easily see exactly what you have.
I have also learned that organizing is always a work in progress. What works for me today might not work next year, but that’s also some of the joy to it as well.