Thoughts of (mid)Life
January 24, 2024…Do you know what day it is? It’s national Just Do It Day. Why do I bring this up? Well…I’ve been wanting to redo my website and blog for a while, and what has stopped me??? Everything! Is it ready? Absolutely not! Do I have a new logo? No. Do I have new pages? Again no. But why not just do it? I don’t need to wait for perfection- I think I’m done with that. Let’s be honest if I was waiting on perfection this site would never get up. I’m scared to get it going. Scared to put myself out there with reject. Scared of something new. But I need to stop that. I am the only one living my life and I need to just do it!
I just turned 50 and feel like I’m in such a crossroads of life. I have one kid at home, two in college, and really struggling with what is ahead for me. I have been very fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom- but I’ll be honest- it has come with a cost. I wouldn’t change it for anything, but now I feel like I’m searching for me. I’m searching for the me that has been lost in putting everything ahead of me. I’m searching for my voice to stand up for myself. I’m searching for what will give me passion in life going forward. I’m not trying to be sad or sappy, trust me I’m the last one to read blogs on what sons need, knowing full well I’ll be bawling immediately. My kids still need me, but in a different capacity. They need me to be supportive of what they are searching for. They need to make their own decision, while I still giving them guidance. They need me to be a shoulder to cry on when they have disappointments.
I feel like I’m at a different point of my life. Trust me- I still love my sparkly jewels, fancy purses, and stilettos, but I do also love a Dr. Scholl’s insert in my cute sneakers. I love a great pair of jeans- with stretch (and a booty lift). Maybe it’s turning 50, or maybe it’s being at a different stage of life with the kids, but life is too short not to be happy. You have every ability to change what is in your future. The past cannot be changed, but the future is wide open.
So, here is what my plan is. I am starting a new website with ideas and motivation. Would I love to be a life coach? Absolutely! But that’s not today. Instead, the idea here is to motivate others.
I really hope you will follow along with me on this new endeavor. The biggest thing I’m going to be posting are podcasts. Why? I had been searching for inspiration on what to do next, and not finding it. I decided to change this narrative. I know I am not alone in this search. Instead, I decided to find others who have done something new, inspiring, and just basically gave themselves a kick in the rear to just do it. I am interviewing people who hopefully you can relate to. I’m not focusing on what they are doing, but more the steps they have taken to actually figure out how to do it. I also am interviewing people that have either been in cool jobs for years or are in jobs that have evolved as they have seen a need. I’m hoping there can be some inspiration here for our kids, or even for guidance from us to our kids as they start the next phase of their life too-